Sharon Huang has more than 20 years of expertise in partnering with early childhood providers to conduct program evaluation, data collection, and continuous quality improvement efforts to improve services for children and families. She has led technical assistance and strategic partnerships for several large-scale early childhood demonstration and research projects, including a national study of quality improvement efforts in more than 100 early childhood programs. Huang’s work ranges from leading efforts to pilot innovative, equity-focused tools designed to measure young children’s skill development, to coaching staff in a New York City pediatric primary care clinic on the use of continuous improvement methods to improve data collection practices, to leading technical assistance for a randomized control trial involving 69 New York City early learning programs. Before joining MDRC, Huang was director of early childhood programs at the Families and Work Institute, where she oversaw the development and implementation of a national initiative to share the science of early learning with families and educators. Huang holds a law degree from New York University and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Columbia University.