Ware, who came to MDRC in 2006, works predominantly on projects designed to reveal ways to improve college access, persistence, and success for low-income and underprepared students. She is one of MDRC’s senior field liaisons and technical assistance team members, and she currently serves as project director for Expanding SUCCESS and Tools for Postsecondary Schools. Ware focuses on recruiting sites, managing the start-up of projects, collaborating on program design, guiding implementation to ensure the rigorous testing of ideas and theories, and providing technical assistance. In practice her efforts help partners strengthen program implementation continuously. With expertise in program management and a background in higher education, Ware’s recent projects focus on comprehensive students supports, including SUCCESS, Replication of CUNY ASAP, and Detroit Promise Path. Ware has also contributed to other MDRC projects, including Aid Like A Paycheck, the Family Self Sufficiency Evaluation, the Student Support Partnership Integrating Resources and Education Initiative, the Learning Communities Demonstration, College Match, the Performance-Based Scholarship Demonstration, and the Aid Success pilot test, for which she was project director. Prior to joining MDRC, Ware worked in higher education, specifically in the areas of financial aid and student services. She holds a master’s degree in adult and organizational development from Temple University.